There are two main problems with femalism. The femalism has occupied the feminism. The feminism is in the most cases a femalism. The other problem with the femalism is the suffix -ism.
Femaly is not a Feminy and only for woman (female). Femaly does differentiate between woman (female) and man (male). Femalism is in cause of the -ism basically anyway false.
Femaly and femalism has nothing to do with gender. Gender is the differentiation between feminin and maskulin instead female (woman) and male (man). Gender is not a social sexual organ (brain). The differentiation in gender between feminin and maskulin is founded in the differentiation between mental (mind) and corporal (body) and only connected with a reference to the grammatical gender. Without this differentiation is feminism and gender always false. A gender in femalism is always false. Femaly and femalism differentiates persons based on their sexual organ and what accompanies with this.
An -ism is when a idea is consolidated to a ideal. Ideas are flexible — Ideals are fixated. An ideal is a perfection that wants to be preserved for its own sake. The preservation of an ideal requires that people submit to it. The ideal comes first, with people behind it. An ideal does not tolerate an alternative ideal. An ideal is totalitarian.
Femaly does not oppress men. Femaly is not domination over men. Femaly is not a matriarchy.
Femaly does not strive for an ideal state. Femaly is open for new ideas. Femaly stands up for all oppressed people.
Femaly stands for women's rights. Femaly is against the oppression of women. Femaly is against the unequal treatment of women.
Femaly is against favoring of the men. Femaly is against the preference of the men. Femaly is for the equality of women and men.
Femaly is for equal pay. Femaly is for menstrual leave and for cost-free menstrual hygiene products. Femaly is against violence against women.
Femaly is not only for a equality. Femaly is also for a compensation.
Femaly stands for woman rights! Femaly stands for woman power!
— Stand up for femaly! —
Join into the femaly association! The femaly association stands up for Femaly.